Improvements in Agricultural Technology Increase Farm Yields
By 2050, the world’s population will exceed 9 billion people – a projected growth of more than 30 % and amounting to an estimated 2.3 billion more people to feed. Farmers will need to produce the same amount of food over the next four decades that produced over the past 8,000 years. Consequently, farmers need access to better tools and farm practices that enable them to produce more with less.
The food system of the future will look different than it does today. People are increasingly moving away from where food is grown and are less aware of how it is grown. By 2050, an estimated 70 % of people will be living in urban areas, creating the need for processing and storage technology, sound infrastructure, efficient distribution channels and open trade policies. The uneven distribution of arable land around the globe means that farmers will need to freely and efficiently move food and access markets to be successful. Climate change and increasing weather volatility will drive demand for new seed technology adapted for harsher conditions and stressed land.
As a result, the need has never been greater for innovative solutions that will lead to significant improvements in our food and nutritional security, including greater investment in science and technology.
Meeting global food needs will demand another era of widespread adoption of innovative science-based solutions. Beyond improved seeds and crop protection tools, other technologies enable farmers to increase their productivity, such as modern irrigation practices, crop management products, mobile technology, fertilizer and mechanization management and softwares, like Agrivi, for managing their farms.
Modern technologies
Irrigation management
Fertilizer management
Precision farming
With advances in technology, farmers can more efficiently produce more with less manpower, aiming increased yields while using fewer inputs.
However, advancements in agriculture technology are an important contributor to a more sustainable agriculture system that promotes continuous improvement and less resource use. Technological advancements in food and agriculture are making it possible to improve the health and wellbeing of millions of people worldwide. It's necessary to enable the world to produce more food with fewer resources and less land.
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